
cybersecurity in ESG

The Role of Cybersecurity in ESG Initiatives

The importance of cybersecurity in environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives is growing. As businesses integrate ESG factors into their strategies, robust cybersecurity measures are essential to protecting sensitive data, ensuring compliance and maintaining stakeholder trust. As industries undergo digital transformations, the need for cybersecurity strategies has increased to protect

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organizational privacy

The State of Organizational Privacy

In recent years, there has been heightened awareness and concern regarding privacy and data protection, driven by high-profile data breaches and increasing connectivity. Organizations are under growing pressure to safeguard sensitive data due to legal obligations and the need to maintain trust with their stakeholders. To better understand the state

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cookie consent

Cookies 101

The internet is saturated with cookie permissions popups, nagging you for consent on nearly every website. Half of Americans always accept all cookies, likely without understanding what they are agreeing to. Some cookies are essential for using a particular website, but many others are not and may have privacy or

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health data

Electronic Health Data is Vulnerable Post Roe v. Wade

The possible overturn of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision would have far-reaching implications for the country, including in the data privacy realm. There’s deep concern that, if abortion is outlawed, private health data may be wielded by states as evidence in prosecutions. Private Health Data or Admissible

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digital footprint

How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

The global pandemic has accelerated a long-term trend toward living more and more of our lives online. Working, schooling, shopping, socializing and many other daily activities that used to conducted principally offline have now migrated to the digital realm. One consequence of this shift has been the proliferation of personal

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